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Match Game: Good At Sex

How good am I?

by j. brotherlove

I know I’m showing my age. But, remember the “good ole days” when the only “reality television” was the news, The New Candid Camera and game shows?

Growing up, game shows ruled in my house. There are only four people in my family, but game shows were the only vehicle to keep all of us in the same room for any length of time (but that’s another post). Our favorites… Family Feud, The 25,000 Pyramid and Match Game - gotta. love. Match Game.

Of course, I’m only talking about the 70’s episodes. Gene Rayburn’s repartee with Charles Nelson Reilly, Brett Somers and Richard “Hubba Hubba” Dawson is the best (I wonder if there were any martinis on that set).

Thanks to cable/satellite, I get to see it everyday (several times a day, actually). Which brings me to tonight’s whimsical post.

the brotherlove is so good at sex… This is where you say: “How good is he?” the brotherlove is so good at sex, when he’s done with the lovemaking, his partner can barely   “blank”.

pub: 09/10/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 15 | subscribe

Funny that you mention old games shows — We have Direct TV at work and most of the time on my scheduled breaks I’m in the breakroom watching the “The Game Show,” Network or Oprah.

But the very end of this post caught me off guard … but I’ll take a stab at it. … his partner can barely “move” [being that they need some time to come back to their senses]

… talk … (so many implications)


(impersonating Fanny Flagg):
Gene, I couldn’t think of anything else- I was so mesmerized, that all I could think of was walk

… dress.


(btw, doesn’t brett look like dame edna in this photo??

…think straight (hee, hee)


that’s good Michelle.

Damn. How come I didn’t think of that?

That was a good one Michelle … I’m laughing so hard it’s pathetic!

Thank you, thank you very much.

Oh Michelle, you get daps for that one! *DOUBLEDAP!*

See I was gonna say see straight. But Michelle got there first.

Okay, first of all, I thought “blank” was a ghettofied version of blink.

So I read it as the brotherlove is so good at sex, when he’s done with the lovemaking, his partner can barely blank. Get it?

Then what sprung into my head might be considered insulting if I put it into a slot, without context. So I’ll just tell you what popped into my head.

Remember Ellen Cleghorn from Saturday Night Live?

She has a joke, which I love:

After you make love, do you like to cuddle….


do you prefer to just get up, get your money and go home?

So I’ll leave it to y’all to fill in the “blank.”

We really gotta get “nappi” some tapes of Match Game!

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