Links: Strong And Black (With Sugar)
Good to the last dropby j. brotherlove
With the Shirley Q. Liquor drama (hopefully) behind her, RuPaul can concentrate on kicking up marketing for her movie Starrbooty. Sure it was fun watching America eat up a drag queen as Supermodel of The World. But I always had a fondness for the campiness and bad taste of this kick ass bad mamma jamma.
Gay Black Male News
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been having conversations about starting a collaborative web effort with other black gay folk (hit me up if you’re interested). Years into this game and I still haven’t seen us reach our potential. However, there are several offerings headed in the right direction. GBMNews a "site for news, reviews and commentary for gay people of color" is one of them.
Looking For Who?
Via BronzeBuckaroo, it’s those little inconsequential things that real get under your skin:
Featured on the back cover [of the recently released Strand DVD Looking for Langston] are three pictures, the third showing quite clearly a black and white couple with their faces pressed “intimately” together as if they are central to Looking for Langston’s love story. […] This gives a completely inaccurate interpretation of what Looking for Langston is about. Interesting!
Reactions are in the comments.
Black Gay Men Gather on HIV
On August 1, POCC, GMAD and GLAAD sponsored a town meeting in Brooklyn, NY on African-American gay men and HIV. The meeting was moderated by the National Black Gay Men’s Advocacy Coalition, comprised of representatives from across the country including Gary English (POCC), Kwame Banks (Safer+Saner), Ricky Day (The Core NYC), and Rudolph Carn (NAESM).
What happens when you combine YouTube, Adam4Adam and AOL Black Voices? You get something that looks like Nubian101. Warning: It’s very NSFW (and prone to crashing your browser).

Great stuff man, well, could have done without a Rupaul update, threw out my cd’s after the Liquor support and the dismissive of how some could find it hurtful. Would not support anything he does ever again unless an apology is issued, but, that won’t ever come. But, I’ll be polite and skip my real thoughts on him!
Thanks so much for the heads up on the GBMNEWS, never heard of it,and sure hope it takes off!
And also, why am I not surprised at the mistake of Langston? I saw an exhibit with him as a part of it this past weekend, and found stuff I didn’t even know, like his adventures in Mexico! The exhibit was about the African’s of Mexico who have been invisible for the past 300 years.
More than anything, I’d love to be part of a collaborative web effort with other black gay folk where our collective output is reminiscent of the legendary Fire!!, the Harlem Renaissance publication by, for, and about the intrepid and audacious younger black folk of its day.
@Jeff I understand how you feel about RuPaul. I’ve decided to agree to disagree with him on that Liquor POV and move forward.
@BB I like the way you think (but you probably know that already).
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