Links: Orlando Jones, PlanetOut, Isaac Julien, Gay Couples
Recent news around gaylandby j. brotherlove
Orlando Jones plays gay
Comedian Orlando Jones will play a gay dad in the independent comedy-drama Misconceptions. The film is about “a religiously conservative married woman from the South who receives a message from God telling her to act as a surrogate mother for two gay men”.
Can we say “picket signs”? Whatever. On a related note, Jones has always sent off my gaydar despite not being the least bit attracted to him (or finding him particularly funny). Can’t win them all, I guess.
Trouble in PlanetOut’s universe
The next two links are from which is bittersweet. considering shares of its parent company PlanetOut, Inc. plummeted when news hit that the LGBT media company is considering selling the company. In addition to The Advocate, PlanetOut publishes Out, HIV Plus, and others.
Isaac Julien hits Sundance with ‘Derek’
English bad boy Isaac Julien (Young Soul Rebels, Looking for Langston)’s latest Derek is a documentary on director Derek Jarman (Caravaggio, The Garden, Edward II). He will premiere the film at Sundance. In an interview at he states about Jarman:
He influenced a whole generation of filmmakers from the ’80s into the early ’90s. I think any filmmaker who is gay or uses gay themes, they’ll probably have seen a Jarman film because he’s such an iconoclastic figure.
Straight Couples Could Learn From Gay Couples
While there are few role models and no official handbook, I’ve long held the belief that one of the things that cripple same-gender relationships more than anything is when we mirror bad patterns found in heterosexual relationships.
Now I have some backup. Psychologist Robert-Jay Green reveals in a recent University of San Diego study, that “lesbian couples are emotionally closer than gay couples, who, in turn, are emotionally closer than heterosexual married couples”. It all comes down to “greater equality in the relationship”. We knew that already, though. Right?

Bernie reminds me that Orlando Jones played a gay character on the ABC series, Men In Trees. Oops.
Also, not to start anything. But my man BronzeBuckaroo will be unsurprised to learn that Jones’ partner in Misconceptions will be played by (non-black) actor David Moscow.
who playing? all he has to do is get into character. he is a beautiful brotha though
Who green lights these movies, and, why do they think it’s a funny theme? Or this case a comedy-drama? But, then again, that insipid movie “First Sunday” got the greenlight, and, non-stop advertising, so, I guess this one should come as no suprise. And to end, Orlando Jones? He wasn’t even funny on “Mad Tv” for crying out loud!
As for the relationships thing, its a hard call, since, most of us do what straights do, and, I think that its because we tend to follow the lead of our parents.
i thought i was done suffering through Orlando Jones’ 15 minutes!
as far as gay couples being emotionally closer than straights, i wonder just how did they study that?