Links: Of An Alternative Persuasion
back in itby j. brotherlove
Thanks for the book suggestions. I’ve started reading the beginning of a couple of books to see which one wil draw me in. I’ll let you know the results. Until then, here are some recent links:
Potential cure for HIV discovered
German scientists have engineered an enzyme called Tre which attacks the DNA of the HIV virus and cuts it out of the infected cell, a breakthrough that could potentially lead to a cure for HIV infection.
Ten Gay-Friendly Straight Directors (and Five Who Aren’t)
AfterElton has compiled a list of straight directors who have advanced gay visibility on film (or hindered it). Among the supporters are favorites Stephen Frears, Neil Jordan and Ang Lee. However, their list of “Five Who Just Don’t Get It” is a bit shaky. Most notable, the inclusion of Steven Spielberg and Alfred Hitchcock (who directed Rope) is a bit of a stretch. Some commenters feel the same.
Meth expert Susan Kingston discredits the myths that crystal meth “is the most addictive drug; meth users fail treatments and that the addiction is impossible to treat; and that it is the worst drug to hit the gay community.”
Anti-gay Hate Crimes Widespread
Nearly four in 10 gay men and about one in eight lesbians and bisexuals in the United States have been the target of violence or a property crime because of their sexual orientation, according to a new study by University of California, Davis, psychology professor Gregory Herek.

The first chapter of Wicked is tough going but after that, the story really picks up. Just in case that’s one of the books you’re trying out.
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