Links: No Problem With Gay People
Have at themby j. brotherlove
I highly recommend watching the Be Real documentary series on Logo. “Giving Back” profiles Calvin Gibson, a “proud black gay man” and meals director for GLIDE, a social activist church in San Francisco. Calvin discusses how he overcame familial rejection, homophobic church and suicidal thoughts to embrace his spirit, activism and a new, extended family.
Christine Benjamin is a lesbian and breast cancer survivor in Huntington, NY who used self-portraiture to address her body issues after a double mastectomy. She now photographs other women in various stages of breast cancer diagnosis and recovery for her i Of The Beholder project.
Some other links:
Thickness | At Thirty-three (34)
When I look in the mirror, I see a big, handsome, man — yes with a gut and love handles, a fat chest, stretch marks, and another chin on the way, but It’s me. It’s all mine, and I’m gonna have it until the day I die, then someone else can lug it around.
Are You There, G.O.D.? | The Godfather of Disco
No Really 50, Answer The Question | YouTubeThrough a series of interviews with a who’s who of the dance music community, G.O.D. uses the arc of Mel [Cheren’s] life to examine the early 70’s musical and cultural currents that gave birth to disco, West End Records’ contribution to that scene, the rise of Paradise Garage, and the onslaught of HIV/Aids and it’s impact on New York City.
“I don’t have a problem with gay people. But they just-I just don’t have flamin’ gay people around me.”
Thanks Curtis. They gay community can breathe a little easier now. Sadly, this is a popular opinion within the gay community. So Fiddy is in sync with much of us gay folk. Hmm…

At33(34) is a handsome man indeed!
I am interested in knowing more about Calvin Gibson and Christine Benjamin especially. Two beloved great aunts of mine died of breast cancer.
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