Links: NAACP Gets More Irrelevant Edition
Plus, black blogggingby j. brotherlove
In case you thought I was too harsh when I wrote NAACP Ain’t The New Black, take a gander at this article from in which the head of the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP states Michael Vick is not guilty of dogfighting charges (despite Vick’s plea bargain).
During a news conference, Dr. R.L. White defended Vick, claiming someone was out to get the footballer and suggested people are overacting about dogfighting in general:
“In some instances, I believe Michael Vick has received more negative press than if he would’ve killed a human being,” White said. “The way he is being persecuted, he wouldn’t have been persecuted that much had he killed somebody.
That’s the head of the Atlanta NAACP folks. If the organization was smart they’d fire that out-of-touch knucklehead before it’s too late.
Black Weblog Awards 2007
The finalists for the Black Weblog Awards 2007 were announced last week which means you should head on over and vote for your favorite website for each of the 30 categories.
This year saw unprecedented growth and publicity for the awards yet, there are still complaints about which sites made the finals and the voting process in general (proving you can’t please everyone).
Those who are genuinely interested in improving the access and quality of the BWAs should join the Black Weblog Awards Google Group. There are some keen discussions going on over there.
Race & Blogging
My colleague and blogfather George Kelly is quoted in the Time Out New York’s Blog like me article for his work at Negrophile:
“From what I’ve seen on forums, the mention of race discomfits commenters,” he says. “One common attitude is that the blogosphere is an exalted zone where race shouldn’t matter.”
Ah, but we all know it does matter; as most blogrolls clearly reflect.
Black Web 2.0
Speaking of blogrolls, I just discovered a website that speaks to my design sensibilities called Black Web 2.0 (hat tip, Lynne). From the about page:
“Black Web 2.0 addresses emerging web trends and how they apply to web properties that target African-Americans or African-American culture. Recently there has been a surge of websites that target this industry someone [sic] of which were existing and redesigned to either freshen their look or take advantage of new social technologies.”
Now we’re getting somewhere. I’ll be keeping an eye out for sites like Black Web 2.0 to add to the blogroll of my design blog. Oh yes, it’s overdue but it’s coming.

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