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Links In My Scope

Some personal observations

by j. brotherlove

Somehow, this blog has turned into a weekly post of links. Hey, at least I’m updating. Let’s get on with it:

DL Hughley Is An Ass.
It’s always a bad sign when comedians laugh louder at their jokes than the audience. Recently, the marginally talented DL Hughley illustrated his grade school comedy with his joke about the Rutger’s female basketball team on The Tonight Show (Gotta love the irony of Hughley calling anyone “ugly”). Still no word from Al Sharpton.

Designers: Ready. Set. Design!
CSS Off is going to be so killer!

Every month, we’ll design a web page in Photoshop and host a competition to see who can turn it into the best web page. The designs we release will present specific markup challenges, along with design and coding considerations for everyone from web newbies to experienced developers.

I’m Canceling My JPG Subscription
I’m not the only one upset about founders Derek and Heather Powazek hasty depart from JPG Magazine (see the MetaFilter thread). Reading Derek’s account only made things worse:

Unfortunately, issue 10 will be the last one that Heather and I will have a hand in. We are no longer working for JPG Magazine or 8020 Publishing.

Why? The reasons are complicated, and the purpose of this post is not to air dirty laundry - it’s just to let the community know why the founders of JPG are no longer there. We owe you that much.

How Eclectic Is Your Music Style?
While completing the eclectic meme, I noticed non-rock and non-white artists appear to get “related” a lot easier than their counterparts on the site. According to’s algorithm, Kelis is “similar” to Beyonce and Gwen Stefani. While Joi’s most similar artist is listed as Tweet with Amerie not far behind. Similar skin tones perhaps.

Tanqueray’s Rangpur Marketing Gamble
I’m a gin fan but Taqueray has always been my least favorite. In fact, their premium gin, No. 10, gave me hives with its overactive “botanicals”. Still, I’m interested in trying their new Rangpur Gin. Although, the review at Liquor Snob isn’t too flattering.

pub: 05/17/2007 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 2 | subscribe

You might be interested in this message I received from Rev. Sharpton Related to the DL HUghley Comments on Leno:

It has recently come to our attention that D.L. Hughley has made disturbing comments about the young women of the Rutgers basketball team. Let me start by reaffirming the position of the National Action Network.

We do not accept or find humor in the denigration of women or any other group. It does not matter whether the person making the statement is black, white or from any other race. Nor does it matter whether the intent of the comment is a lame attempt at humor, a racist attack, or in the case of Mr. Hughley, an obvious attempt to create publicity for himself.

It is sad that after a very successful career in comedy, Mr. Hughley would stoop to behavior that is disrespectful to women as a means of self promotion. We hope that the entertainment industry will see through this feeble attempt to gain publicity in order to find his next job.

In Progress,

Reverend Al Sharpton, President of National Action Network & Tamika Mallory, Director of National Action Network Decency Initiative

Yes. I know some of you will think it is not enough but if you remember ALL we asked for was ANY response to DL’s comments, and we got that. It was a small victory for a blog that isn’t a month old. Stay tuned for out big summer effort regarding Black Exploitation Television. Thank you to those of you who called and e-mailed and urged me along.

Thanks Gem. I saw this at your spot and planned on blogging about Sharpton’s response on Monday. You beat me to it.

Good going!

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