Links For The Downstream
Before the dawnby j. brotherlove
I’m feeling rather uninspired these days. I had a weekend of doing absolutely nothing. Remarkable actually. There’s a lot going on under the hood that I don’t feel comfortable discussing here. Thank goddess I know others who write great posts when I don’t.
- BronzeBuckaroo asks “What happens to black gay men as they grow older?” I’ll have more to say about this topic seeing as I’m having a landmark birthday on March 4.
- Laina reads my mind: “Freelancing is a pain in the ass, and the stress of trying to figure out why my life has been a mess has me feeling like I am missing out on alot of things.”
- Andy who shares why “the general public doesn’t give a fuck” about Artdrunetta Hobbs. You should already know the answer to this (Rashawn Brazell anyone?) but Andy has pictures to drive home the point.
I am so devastated that there will not be a season 3. I love this show, its the very first show that I have seen where the character seems so free. Is there anyway that someone can make it possible for a season 3, please!!!! if not I will miss Ricky, Noah, Alex, Wade, Chance, Tre and Eddie!