Links: Bloggers on Artists, Dating and… Bloggers
Scanning the blogoshpereby j. brotherlove
Fred Wilson and Whitfield Lovell
BronzeBuckaroo highlights openly gay visual artists Fred Wilson and Whitfield Lovell:
They are life long partners and “our” power couple. Both Wilson and Lovell are recipients of the MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Fellows, and, their work has appeared in art galleries throughout the States and Europe
Congrats all around! You don’t read about things like this everyday.
Russell is Clueless About Dating
New Atlanta blogger Russell joined the blogosphere last month and presents a common conundrum many gay men face — dating:
Maybe, I just don’t know how to ask? I really never had too. I have always had men approach me. Not to sound conceited, but I tend to like aggressive men. I have gone after men before, but my choices sucked. The men that have approached me were always my type. However, I am getting older. I am no longer the young, tight, cute boy, I once was. I will have to start approaching men.
Another Take On Dating ‘Life’
In What’s up with that d*ck?, Blogger “life” wonders if anybody wants to date anymore:
Starting last month(September) I’ve been hit with crazy propositions and I’m over it! I can’t get a decent conversation, but people can talk and text me about my chico stick. Maybe, I’m old fashion, but I just can’t do the random sex thing.
Can We Be Frank?
Frank Leon Roberts grabs a catchy vanity URL:
Good news. Brooklynboyblues is now “” You no longer have to try to remember the long, cumbersome “” Just type in “” and you’ll land here. Thank you to my corporate sponsors. Why didn’t I think of this earlier?
Indeed. Speaking of being frank, FLR recently lobbed some criticism at love-him-or-hate-him videoblogger B. Scott. The comedy is in the comments.
My Blog, My Rules
Kenyon Farrow addresses some criticism he received for not posting an update about the recent Newark slayings:
[…] I am glad that the story eventually got out, but i didn’t feel the need to blog about it, because others did. Keith and Rod have bigger readerships than I do, and there is some overlap so I didn’t feel the need to do so, nor was I interested in taking credit–which is why I showed some restraint in writing my original piece “A Cry for Newark” about it.
Kenyon’s last post speaks to an issue I’ve been meaning to bring up about the changing roles of black LGBT bloggers and the (perceived) A-List. I’m still working on the angle. It won’t be pretty.

“Kenyon’s last post speaks to an issue I’ve been meaning to bring up about the changing roles of black LGBT bloggers and the (perceived) A-List. I’m still working on the angle. It won’t be pretty.”
Well ok…should be interesting. I’m grabbing my popcorn now.
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