Links: Black/Latino LGBT In Film/The Bubble
Working behind the scenesby j. brotherlove
The past few weeks have been busy. But don’t take my silence to mean I’m not engaged in current discussions affecting LGBT people of color. Behind the scenes, I’m working on a few projects that will mature in 2008.
I’ll try to share links more regularly to keep you in the loop. In the meantime, there are many others who are doing the good work.
Black/Latino LGBT In Film
Notably, Rod McColllum drops an extensive article Breakthrough Black and Latino Roles on the Big Screen at AfterElton. Faithful readers of my work know how passionate I am about promoting and protecting LGBT images of color. Rod does a great job of documenting how things have - and have not - changed for blacks and Latinos in film.
The article includes insightful quotes from television producer Kevin E. Taylor, director Maurice Jamal, blogger Andrés Duque, reporter Johnny Diaz, actor Emanuel Xavier, and yours truly, j. brotherlove.
Must See: The Bubble
I highly recommend catching foreign film The Bubble which is making runs at art houses. Acclaimed director Eytan Fox does a fantastic job of depicting an unlikely love story between a new Israeli and Palestinian male couple in a hip Tel Aviv neighborhood with current political tensions and terrorism as a backdrop. Plenty of laughs and tears as a group of 20-somethings love, party and struggle to make sense of their dangerous world.

My hat is off to you for being interviewed in an article that was well written. Mr. McCullum did a great job. Mr. B, your comments, along with those of your fellow interviewees, were right on the mark. Kudos!
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