Last Week’s Links (08/12/2007)
A non-gay editionby j. brotherlove
My Top Artists of the Week |
Egyptian girl dies in circumcision | Yahoo!
A 13-year-old Egyptian girl has died during a circumcision operation, two months after the death of another girl prompted health officials to ban the widespread traditional procedure, local media said Saturday.
Can you iChat social change? | RaceWire
Having the power to tune in to what you want is especially significant for communities of color. Even with fewer resources and institutional racism against us, we can stay connected these days. In case you missed it, last year kids didn’t hear about the immigration protests over their school loudspeakers—they got it on myspace and as text messages. Their parents heard about it the old-school way: on the radio.
The point, then, isn’t that one medium is usurping another. It’s that different people are going to use different methods to create a media system that suits them.
X-Play’s Passion of the Christ 2: Judgement Day | YouTube
An oldie but a goody…
Jesus is back and now he’s pissed. Next Christmas forgivness comes down the barrel of a gun.
Black Fiction or Nothing Like It. | RPM Vox Blog
What the FUCK is Urban? Because let me tell you something. I grew up in an “urban” environment. In a city, in a “hood” and I have to tell you…this shit doesn’t in any way look, read or sound like anything I find entertaining or compelling or even enlightening about my experience. This just makes me want to sob. And start my own literacy program.

I came here because the sign said my kind was to head this way;-)
shucks, i found here not my stuff (example, return of the passion, the movie). hullllllo?
while i have your eyes… check out
You never know what you’re gonna get on this spot do you? Perhaps I should’ve said “s non-gay, non-Christian edition” given how tastelessly Passion is spoofed in that video.
BTW, I’m very familiar with WanderingCaravan’s work (we’re blog buddies). If I had a proper blogroll, you’d see that. But a proper blogroll’s a coming!
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