“Kobe, tell me how my ass taste?”
When it comes to rap, Shaq is wackby j. brotherlove
Um, yeah. Through the magic of TMZ (shudder) we get this video nugget of Shaq’s wack freestyle skills. MissInfo.tv has comments from the hip hop community.
I don’t know about you. But I don’t want to know the answer to that question. Were it a different ballplayer… Ah, never mind.
[h/t: Jay Smooth]

I have a feeling Kobe knows all to well. The hissy fit they’ve both engaged in since their breakup is more telling than they realize.
I wholeheartedly second Bernie’s comments. LOL
Would that be an example of “Thuggin Luv” a la The Boondocks?
LOL! Shaq should stick to playing ball because his rap skills suck.
Ew. I always thought Shaq was bit more…intelligent than this base, cave man act seen here. Oh, and his rhymes are W-A-C-K, can anyone believe he actually recorded several LPs? Again, ew. How embarrassing for blacks everywhere.-QH
Not suprised, but, then again as a non-rap fan on any level, I kind of thought they always dissed each other with those kind of lyrics. And, even though I don’t like either player, good to see Shaq give that obnioxous Kobe a smack down, although, it seems as though it will affect his good deeds with the popo and kids and keping black men in a bad light that the media loves to play up, he should stick to hoops.
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