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I’ve Been Busy Being Live And In Person

Catch me if you can

by j. brotherlove

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When I get quiet online it’s a sure bet that life is busy offline. This past weekend I attended SoCon08 with Karsh. Much like last year’s event on social media, I got to meet great folks like Tessa (who I’ve met before), Wayne Sutton, Ginny, Robert, Mike (of Favebot fame), Angela from The Curvy Life, Leatrice, Deanna Sutton from Clutch Magazine, Jayson, and whole bunch more folks whose names and urls escape me.

I’ll meet a bunch more new faces when I attend SXSW Interactive next month in Austin, TX. This will be the second time I’ve attended the mega-event (I was blown away the first time, remember?). I can’t wait to exchange ideas with virtual friends from around the country and some of the brightest people in new media (free parties and the Bad Ass Fajitas Truck on 6th Street doesn’t hurt either).

More immediately, on Saturday (February 16) fellow blogger and Clik columnist Darian Aaron is hosting a special screening of The DL Chronicles, the television series by Quincy LeNear and Deondray Gossett’s recently released on DVD.

Following the screening, I’ll be moderating a panel discussion which includes James Earl Hardy (author of the classic B Boy Blues), Tim’m West (rapper, activist, spoken word artist), Eric Ware (The Down Low Diaries), Anthony McWilliams (music artist and activist), and Anare Holmes (In The Life Atlanta, Clik Magazine).

As if that wasn’t enough, after two years of working for myself as a freelance web designer/developer, I’ll be reporting into an office again. Only this time it will be to do work that I’m excited about (web development) in a relaxed environment (I can wear jeans!) for great pay in downtown Atlanta (vs. in Alpharetta or Dunwoody).

Taking about 30 minutes to exhale.

pub: 02/13/2008 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 11 | subscribe

Congratulations on the new gig!

Yay! Congratulations on the new job :) it’s good to get a position you’re excited to have.

Awesome news about the new job. Congratulations!

It was good to finally meet you at SoCon. I’ve been meaning to hit SXSW for 4 or 5 years now and it always sneaks up on me. Maybe next year…

Congrats on the new (intown) job.

Congrats! I thought you were at Socon last year!

Yay for relaxed new job! Yay for SXSW!

Congrats on the happy news of your new job, jbrotherlove! I hope it’ll be a roundly rewarding experience. Wish I could join you at SxSWi this year, though I’ll look forward to your posts instead. Enjoy!

8. Carla

Congratulations on having a new job that you love doing!

Congrats on the new employment. You are one of the lucky ones as you enjoy your work.

You’re defecting back to the office? LOL! Congrats on the new gig. Glad it’s a relaxed environment. I, for one, can attest to the luxury of doing what you love in a comfortable environment. Of course you’ll continue to write?

Ramon, as soon as I get “adjusted” to being back in an office I’ll start writing again. For now, I’m off to Austin, TX for SXSW. And then, I see some upgrades to this old site in the near future.

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