In Need Of An Update
Four posts in oneby j. brotherlove
I s’pose it’s about time I updated this here weblog thingy. Consider this a four-in-one kinda deal.
Design Empire
As part of the Get-A-Job-Project, I’ve been working on my online portfolio and resume (inbetween last minute design requests). I’ve done a good job of keeping my professional (corporate) resume updated but samples of my writing and design work are scattered on various discs, lost clippings, etc. It will be great to get all of this information in one place.
Black Weblog Awards
I’m almost done making my nominations for this year’s Black Weblog Awards. However, I’m stumped on a few categories. I’ve done some searching but haven’t found anyone to nominate for Best Photo Blog, Best Teen Blog and Best Video Blog. Let a brotha know your thoughts.
Sweetwater Afterparty/Jam
I had a better time at the Sweetwater Afterparty/Jam than I would’ve at the actual ($80) concert. Of course with performances by Joi, Erykah Badu, Dana Owens/Queen Latifah, Trina Broussard, Ken Ford, Rahbi, Three5Human, Algebra, James Poysner amongst others, it’s impossible to go wrong. P.S. Annie, don’t wear no panties.
Black Gay/Straight Blog Alliance
As a follow up the blogbeef leading up to and including my Jimi post, homeboy and I have exchanged emails to discuss what (if anything) we have learned and to determine next steps. I have to admit that while his methods and style often rub me the wrong way, I sense a glimmer of authenticity in his inquiries. Balls in your court, Jimi.
“It will be great to get all of this information in one place.”
You don’t say!
I think I’ve pretty much retired from the design game (my customer service SUCKS), so I’d love to send some folks your way. That is, folks that can appreciate what “backend” means. (10 points to whoever can come up with a clever pun for that!)