Housekeeping (Online)
Don’t be surprised if I delete this rambling, later. I’m taking a break from trying to figure out the layout for the grayed-out pages and…by j. brotherlove
Don’t be surprised if I delete this rambling, later.
I’m taking a break from trying to figure out the layout for the grayed-out pages and other web odds and ends on this site. Recently, my attention has been drawn to a recurring issue with online journals, weblogs, etc. Most online personalities (« lol, online personalities) who have a significant readership have confronted this issue (including Jason, remember?). In short, I’m referring to privacy, freedom of expression, discovery and determining what is public and what is private.
I’ve always known as more people visit, the more likely somebody I know IRL will read things about me (or them) that I don’t normally share face to face. I won’t bore you with the hows and whys regarding me posting this now. But, I will reiterate that while the truth may set you free it also pisses some people off. If I know you personally and you are one of those pissed off at (somebody else’s) truth people, you’re at the wrong site, sweetie. (Damn. After re-reading that nebulously coded sentence, I feel like I’m at Aaron’s spot. *grinning* *ducking* ).
Where the HELL is this train wreck of a post headed?
I’m not paranoid; just protective of my shit. And since more of my offline friends have online expression, the chance for bleed-through to shared acquaintances increases. So um… I’m just saying, okay?
slay them dragons.
hey, j, what’s a dragon?
ask the owl.
“one, ah two, ah three,” *cruch* “three”
Hi..found your place while checking out the “unhappy views” on MSN regarding Joe Boxer and stayed to look around. Like the art part and more (‘course I know it ain’t whether someone like you or not..just whether they do right by you). will visit more often ow I know you’re here.