He Said, She Said
Quotes from the blogosphereby j. brotherlove
If I had the time I’d design my sideblog. But I’m working on a couple of projects that deplete my brain cells. Thusly, I give you quotes from the blogosphere that get a thumbs-up from brotherlove:
- Don’t Be A Drew
“When Drew’s laundry was swiped from a dryer last summer he blogged his indignation immediately.”
biggerhand - She’s So Perfect - Not
“Is it true that Natalie Portman actually pees pink lemonade, and that baby angels fly out of her ass?”
The Midwestgrrl - Non-Christians are Americans, Too
“We want to see religious minorities included. It’s as simple as that.”
SistersTalk - Live At 11
“Damn, I got a whole lotta jelly up in my trunk, and it looks some kinda good! Yes, indeed!”
Sturtle - Bullies Suck Ass
“…our country was founded on the basis of religious freedom and just because your guy won, it doesn’t mean that this is suddenly Jesusland. I once saw a bumper sticker that said ‘If you want a country run by religion, move to Iran.’”