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Driving East

A woman left Montreal on route 20 heading toward Quebec city, when she decided to stop at a comfort station. The first toilet stall was…

by j. brotherlove

A woman left Montreal on route 20 heading toward Quebec city, when she decided to stop at a comfort station. The first toilet stall was occupied, so she went into the second one. She was no sooner seated when she heard a voice from the next stall:

“Hi, how are you doing?”

Well, she was not the type to chat with strangers in highway comfort stations, and she really did’t know quite what possessed her, but she answered, a little embarrassed:

“Not bad.”
And the stranger said: “And, what are you up to?”

Talk about your dumb questions! She was really beginning to think this was too weird! So she said: “Well, just like you I am driving east.”

Then, she heard the stranger get upset and say:

“Look, I’ll call you right back, there is some idiot in the next stall answering all the questions I am asking you. Bye!”

pub: 05/22/2002 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 2 | subscribe

I’m filipino, so whenever we go abroad it gives us great pleasure to speak in our language when we’re pissed at other people. but look at them politely when we say it. so one time my aunt was in line for the bathroom somewhere in rodeo drive, when a woman with light brown hair just runs in and steals her stall. while washing thier hands, my aunt said to the woman, “pekpek kang malandi, (you flirty cunt)” smilingly. The woman looks at her and says, “alam mo, pinoy ako.” (you know, i’m filipino too.)

LOL - I wish I could’ve seen your aunt’s face!