Currently 15% Mainstream
Look ma, no Beyoncéby j. brotherlove
Before I rant a bit about how mainstream the gays are, get a load of my Mainstream-O-Meter via George by way of Karsh. (Seriously, between lunch and life updates, all of the 2.0 zeitgeist is captured on twitter.)

According to my top 30 music artists, I’m currently 15% mainstream. My least obscure (i.e., most popular): The Beatles (101.48%), Björk (55.99%) and Christina Aguilera (36.48%). My most obscure: Wendy & Lisa (0.32%), Larry Heard (0.39%), Lewis Taylor (0.54%) and Clara Hill (0.54%). And you?

On a related note, a friend of mine has been having a devil of a time planning an event for the black gay crowd. He has some good choices for entertainment. But he’s challenged because the kids have fairly narrow tastes when it comes to music, film and books. A generalization, yes. But prove me wrong.
This observation came up a few weeks ago when a group of associates discussed the popularity of traveling for Black Pride events (DC, Miami, Puerto Rico, et. al.) I was asked why I generally opt out of these events.
In a nutshell, the prospect of spending $500-$1000 to stand in long lines, pay inflated cover charges, squeeze into sweaty clubs and dance to the same-ole hip hop with boys 15 years my junior doesn’t have the appeal it used to.
But I’m not knocking these events. There was a time I enjoyed that setup (well, mostly). But what’s an older and/or non-mainstream black gay guy to do? Chew on that.

My musical taste is 15.5% mainstream. I was hoping it would be lower. Don’t ask me why though. No idea.
I had that similar issue when I was trying to put together my own group, and it still panned out. What’s a guy to do when it comes to planning alternative social events?
These calculations seem real arbitrary.
nova, who knows how “accurate” these online tools are. I don’t take it too seriously. It’s supposed to be fun.
karsh, I really don’t know what the answer is. As you saw from my unsuccessful attempt to host an Atlanta Blogger Meetup you are not alone.
I’ll add that I’m fine with doing things alone or in the company of non-black or non-gay folk. But I don’t want to do that all of the time.
From a dating perspective, it would be great to incorporate people I’m attracted to into activities I enjoy.
You just made me feel bad. My tastes don’t exactly parallel those of my peers. Then again, my upbringing doesn’t parallel that of the larger black gay commuity. Hmmmm. You have just given me an idea for a post.
oooh, i’mma go take it now…
I’m 0.54% mainstream. So damn typical.
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