I have been negligent in posting j.ournal entries because I am losing my mind over CSS! One moment, I completely understand it (or at least,…by j. brotherlove
I have been negligent in posting j.ournal entries because I am losing my mind over CSS! One moment, I completely understand it (or at least, the basics). The next hour, I have a web page of mis-aligned madness. Tables are so much easier and yet, that’s exactly why I don’t want to use them…argh! Besides, CSS is the future - I wanna be a part of that.
Luckily, I’ve found some resources to assist me. There’s just so much information and options to absorb. I’ve never been great at making decisions quicky.
Funny, I’d hesitated using blog software because I thought it would be a cop-out to have my entries automatically and dynamically generated (as opposed to designing in Dreamweaver).
Now, I’m doing more hard-coding than ever.