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Comparing Isaiah And Paris

Do I smell a rat?

by j. brotherlove

Isaiah And Paris

Much like Karsh, I’m over the Isaiah Washington “controversy”. However, considering the hullabaloo made out of the incident I’m carefully watching the press (especially gay media) to see their reactions to the latest Paris Hilton faux pas.

The paparazzi darling (along with her sister, Nicky) was captured on video calling a guy a “faggot” and giggling as she claims “We’re like two niggers”, referring to the couple’s awesome hip hop moves (as if).

Let’s compare:

Isaiah, a black man, uses the word “faggot” in anger on a closed set. The news travels via hearsay. He handles the situation like an ass. Result: Calamity ensues, especially from the white, gay media.

Paris, a white woman, asks to be videotaped and then uses the words “faggot” and “niggers” in a cavalier manner. Although, the video has been removed from most of the web (surprise), many people, including me, see the footage. Result: I’m still hearing crickets.

Don’t worry, I’ll wait.

pub: 02/02/2007 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 10 | subscribe
1. Cecily

The difference is that Paris Hilton, while stupid, isn’t creating a hostile work environment for a colleague. Sure, it’ll get attention, but Paris won’t be going to “rehab” to work on her “issues”.

I agree the situations aren’t exactly the same. The “hostile work environment” angle was the part about the Isaiah’s incident that bugged me the most.

I’m still interested in how fans of Paris reconcile her behavior. In other words, will there be a bunch of excuses for her or will she be called to task?

I dunno. Something about Paris running around saying offensive things while people shrug and say “That’s just Paris” sits with me the wrong way.

I think the difference is that Paris Hilton Fans (are there really Paris fans?) don’t expect more of her. Paris isn’t likable to begin with. She’s brash and obnoxious and represents a culture of elitism that certain people aspire to participate in.

Those who like Paris like her because she represents this “I don’t care about anything” attitude so using offensive language isn’t outside the box out that.

Because, really, when is she not offensive?

For some reason the Paris thing doesn’t bother me. I mean, I look at what she did the same way I look at those white college kids making fun of blacks at their MLK party.

It’s kinda like, they did something dumb, but they weren’t at work or on a talk show or presented to us in any sort of official capacity. They were just doing their dumb shit.

5. mark

Both are equally offensive, since in her case, her family has raised her in a way to look down on blacks, when they are in a position to influence the managers of their hotels on who to and who not to hire.

And, sadly, the other reason is she is quite popular with the gay community, wasn’t she the one who was an grand marshal the parade in LA’s gay pride for all her “work” within the community.

As for the hostile work environment, show me one place that does not fit the bill on that one, on any given day, we are all working in such a place. all, I see is a typical double standard, rules for some, not for all. Hate speech should be condemned no matter who spews it out.Just becuase she may be a “dumb blond” gives her no more right than IW and his nonsense.


The difference is Paris Hilton got caught being ignorant and not politically correct. In private conversations and situations, how many of us are censoring ourselves?

Isaiah got on national TV in a very public forum and intentionally did a dumb thing, in addition to doing it at work. Major difference. Not as bad as the Michael Richards rant, but still extremely FLAGRANT.

This new info about Paris does not change my opinion of her. I wouldn’t have bought her CDs or invited her to dinner pre-slur, so why should I be ringing the alarm now? People are interested in her because she’s a trainwreck, not because they respect who she is as a person. I’ll gladly sit back and watch her destroy herself because it makes me chuckle.

Hmm… I’m somewhere in the middle with my take. I’m a big fan of keeping private moments private. But that seems harder to attain these days. Tiffany touched on this last year:

I’m starting to avoid social gatherings because friends with digital cameras and cameraphones will be there, taking pics and posting them online.

But two things struck me about the Paris video. One, Paris practically begs to be videotaped (which signals an issue considering how much she’s already captured on film). Secondly, her tone when she giggles “We’re like two niggers!” is unmistakably condescending.

Instead of sounding like “Hey, we’re hip like black people” ,it comes off as “We can act stupid like those porch monkeys”.

Surpassing the Washington/Paris bruhaha and all other incidents related or not in situation, is the general sense of hypocricy coming from the larger gay community. It all leaves a bitter aftertaste.

9. Sohpie C.

I’m with you Bronze, the hypocrisy is what burns me up. The good folks at Glaad went after IW as if he had slapped thier mothers. Differnet, kind of, he was a boob who did it in front of his “peers” and she doing what she does best, being uncouth. She gets off with it, and sure, it was in a private moment, but, she was doing what she always does, craving attention the way she was looking at the camera, and looks like for a change, she isn’t getting any. And, she is the personifaction of Webster’s defintion of the word n(%$#@!, money or broke.

Not, one of the usual gay sites that follow her has made mention of it, which is as disgusting as both slurs she hurled. Only sites that seem to be geared to people of color has picked this one up, amazing how these people work.

10. Cadence

Actually, GlAAD has come out against Paris. The problem GLAAD really doesn’t have any pull to enforce any sanctions or punishment against her. And to be honest, when the Isaiah Washington story first broke in October, GLAAD didn’t say anything, they didn’t mention the situation until Isaiah repeated the slur at the Golden Globes. And still it’s not like they lead a lynch mob after Isaiah or called for him to be fired. in fact, it was ABC who set up a meeting between Isaiah Washington and GLAAD.