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Come To Me

And still, they love me. Despite the online tinkering (too lazy to work out the kinks offline or via the test site) and the missing…

by j. brotherlove

And still, they love me. Despite the online tinkering (too lazy to work out the kinks offline or via the test site) and the missing blogroll. More or less, this is how it goes down in these parts throughout the week (Google aside):

  1. Babygirl sends them in swarms.
  2. My daily cup of coffee. Trust.
  3. From one so quiet, comes much traffic .
  4. We simply must do something about this long-ass URL, sweetie.
  5. Keep this bitch away from the hair gel.
  6. Post Traumatic Syndrome.
  7. South African stalker?
  8. Brother Bernie’s got a Big Blog.
  9. Love from the left coast.
  10. Yeah, I said it.
  11. bubbling under:

  12. Musical jean’yass.

  13. Jazz poser.

I’ve got nothing but love for ya. baby.
Yeah, whatever.

pub: 01/25/2004 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 8 | subscribe

Wow, does that mean I’m like a gateway drug? They start off with me, and then go on to experience a more potent narcotic or something…? *chuckle*

You should see how I refer when the mood strikes me.

In general, readership and comments are down over at j-notes. Has my glitter lost its shine? Not hardly. I just need to get in the groove with the heavy hitting music reviews that you have come to love. Send some of your peeps over to me!!!

Question: Do you ever find ourselves getting so caught up in the stats, that we are forgetting about the hard-hitting content that drives people to our sites? I have been pondering this myself lately.

Funny - but everyone thinks I get way more stats than I actually do. It’s about maintaining an aura of high traffic, rather than actually maintaining ‘heavy flow’. Otherwise, you’re simply pandering, I think. Remember, blogging is supposed to be easy & low-effort & totally narcissistic…and I wouldn’t blog if it weren’t.

What Sean typed…

…and let’s not forget blog stalking. I think I read so many other blogs and forget to keep adding them and commenting, I’d understand why people feel the need to see it in numbers.

Aura is so good, it keeps the stalkers coming back. Witness Sean’s.

well, at least i’m good for something. ;)