Chat Snippet: Blog, Traffic, Money
If you write for yourself, you can’t go wrongby j. brotherlove
nOva: then you can inform me on how to get this tumbleweeds off my site!
nOva: *lol*
brotherlove: hell if i know. the web is blog-clogged
nOva: clearly
nOva: i get plenty of traffic though
brotherlove: if you write for yourself, you can’t go wrong
nOva: my site’s alreay making a couple $$$
brotherlove: btw, your posts have been yummy as of late
nOva: i’m just having fun with this new format
nOva: thanks
brotherlove: google ads or something?
nOva: mmmhmm, i cannot believe it
nOva: they still tacky, but, whatever
brotherlove: yeah - i just can’t do it
nOva: i thought i’d try it out and see if it worked
nOva: it wouldnt have been cute on the old design, but i think this one wears it ok
brotherlove: some people swear by it
nOva: its not that deep for me
nOva: *lol*
brotherlove: i don’t need to make money off
brotherlove: it’s where i go to unwind
nOva: i hear u
brotherlove: it would be like selling mary kay out of my bedroom

Believe it or not, the cause for the tumbleweeds was MT’s junk filter. Not only that, it was set to auto-delete junk after a week. So basically MT was being overprotective.
My tumbleweeds are due to SPAM/junk period. Till recently, I spent most of the time maintaining my site getting rid of SPAM — both comment and trackback. If I could track down them mofos…
Google ads worked for me. That is till Google banned me from the program with no explanation. That’s OK. I have my own scheme in the works.
Wow, ronn is a Google outlaw!