CaptionIt! Boot
After an especially late night of Cristal and Taco Bell, Bobby and Whitney returned to the lot the next morning to discover the loaner…by j. brotherlove

After an especially late night of Cristal and Taco Bell, Bobby and Whitney returned to the lot the next morning to discover the loaner in a compromising position.
[Certainly, you can think of something better]

Jay-Z asks “How much would it cost to get that iced?”
Vice President Cheney’s Shadow Government Hidout hits a snag…
LOL - I like the Cheney one a lot.
Even after all these years, there are some officers of the Beverly Hills Police Dept. who have not yet forgiven Zsa Zsa Gabor for for pimp slapping one of their own….
y’all are just not right. *l*
don’t think you can do much better than the whitney and bobby caption….i do have one spelling question though, is it cristal or cyrstal or krystal?
Depends on if you’re referring to liquor, jewelry or gas burgers.
i think the references, in this case, would be: liquor, drugs and burgers. anyone seen whitney lately?
And we’ve been instructed to confiscate your Discover Card, Miss Ross.
Wish I’d thought of the triple “Cristal, crystal, Krystal” thing - that woulda been funny. And the Miss Ross caption was a gas, too.