Brand New Heavies, Bloggers & Movies
A catchup postby j. brotherlove
Is it Friday already? This week flew by (having the 4th of July fall on a Tuesday didn’t help). I’ve been keeping busy designing odds and ends for a couple of clients and reading a lot of software manuals (big fun).
Tuesday, the Together In Love folks did the barbecue thing. Wednesday, I dragged EJ out to catch Van Hunt and The Brand New Heavies at The Roxy. We caught the last half of Van Hunt. He was good but somewhat showy. I’m not sure I liked that part. I’ll have to catch a show he headlines before I make up my mind.
On the other hand, The Brand New Heavies were incredible! Simon Bartholomew, Andrew Levy and Jan Kincaid have the band thing on lock, especially with that kickin’ brass section (every band should have some brass). N’dea Davenport grabbed the reigns at the beginning of the show and didn’t let up. It didn’t matter if the band performed songs from 15 years ago or from their new Get Used To It CD. The crowd loved every single moment. This was definitely one of the best concerts I’ve attended in a long time.
On the blogging front, Bernie brought this post at Getting Myself Together to my attention that ponders wonders “why bloggers in other cities aren’t as close as the people in NYC metro area.”
I don’t completely agree with that assessment but he’s definitely onto something. Sounds like a post for another time. I’ve been slack on the blog discovery tip. I didn’t know the black, gay twenty-somethings were on the web like that. Curiouser and curiouser… I’ll be checking them out.
Outside of that, I plan on catching A Scanner Darkly and perhaps Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, this weekend. I may even go see The Devil Wears Prada again; that shit is hilarious! Karsh even recommends it (and you know how picky he is). I decided to pass on Superman. I know it’s summer and all but I’m not in the mood for another mega-movie franchise. I’ll catch it on DVD.
"That is all."

The Devil Wears Prada was pretty good.
nOva, that is your comment? You know I can’t let you get away with that.
BTW, at the concert I thought of you and your “real music” posts you’ve been writing. The BNH are the real deal. Check them out. I think you were 12 when they came out, though.