I got my browser on youby j. brotherlove
Bouncing around the web from blog to blog, a few things have come to my attention:
- You can comment again over at Chris’. But I’d hurry if I were you; this may be a limited time offer.
- What happened to KRS skeetin’ on the daily (or, at this point, monthly)?
- The murmurs about Unspoken Truth returning to the web are indeed true. Stay tuned as this story develops.
- Shouldn’t M&B’s Great American Lesbian Non-Wedding be a reality series?
- It’s Terrance’s “blogiversary”. He’s had a damn good year.
- There are only five weeks left before the Presidential election. Cecily already has the jump on it.
- Maybe one word posts could catch on. I’m game.
- Eduardo’s ALT1040 recently celebrated it’s 10,000th comment. Have you checked your stats lately?
- Hasn’t Tracy been on summer vacation long enough? I want an update.
- People send JTBjr the craziest shit. Trust.

While I thank you for the vote of confidence in us I think we’d have made a pretty boring reality show up to this point. However now we’re getting into the concrete stuff. We’re meeting with the caterer on Friday for a tasting. My mother is coming with us. There will be free wine. Reality tv cameras should definitely be there for this one.