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Black Pride Splits, Butch Lesbians On Film, Cruz Goes Legit (Mostly)

Trying out longer blog titles

by j. brotherlove


Controversy and conflict will likely create two separate Black Pride celebrations in Chicago for July 2008, produced by two different organizations. This rift in Black Pride organizations is a disturbing trend (Charlotte, Atlanta and Miami are recent examples).

I understand people’s desire to do things "their way". But when there is rarely enough supporting dollars to sustain one Black Pride event in a city, multiple celebrations targeting this demographic end up watering down the experience and confusing attendees.

I don’t confess to know all the internal drama of these groups (nor do I care). But I do know a common theme is having too many people in the group who want to lead. Obviously, this is impossible. And when their suggestion isn’t implemented, they want to take their ball and go home. Working together takes compromise. Yet, too few people want to put their ego aside to work for a larger goal to benefit the most people.

Black Men and Me

scene from Black Men and Me

In the six-minute short Black Men and Me, butch, Trinidadian lesbian Michèle Pearson Clarke examines identity during a visit to the barbershop where she gets her head shaved just like the fellas.

Although she’s often read as a man, the straight black men at the barbershop knows she’s a woman; a dynamic she finds interesting:

“It’s not uncomfortable. But it’s a number of things. I see myself in them. I’ve never identified as a man but I have a black masculine experience,” she explains. “In some ways I feel like a brother.”

Related: There’s an interesting article with lively comments at AfterEllen that also looks at Tasha, "The L Word," and Black Butch Lesbians in Film and Television.

From Porn To Festival

Enrique Cruz

Successful porn director Enrique Cruz has an eye on the Film Festival route with his new project, an "erotic short film" titled After Party Babies. Cruz ushered in a new aesthetic with blatino (black/Latino) porn. Subsequently, that aesthetic has been played out by every porn outfit since.

It will be interesting to see how Cruz manages a project that (presumably) relies more on dialogue and storytelling than sex. Something tells me it will be close to a racy episode of Noah’s Arc. But I’m hoping Cruz can try for something more substantial like Shortbus.

pub: 11/23/2007 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 4 | subscribe

Uhm..correction sir. New York City was the first city to have a rift that led to two seperate Black Prides. LOL. The one that retained the name has all but disappeared however, while Pride in the City, the split off group continues.

It’s happened in Dallas as well in 2005. Dallas Southern Pride rolls on, while Dallas Black Gay Pride is on life support. However, who knows what 2008 will bring?

Thanks for the historical info, Bernie (I never said New York wasn’t the first city to have a rift so that’s not really a correction).

JW Richard, are those two Dallas Prides on different dates/times?

Although there were 2 black groups in Chicago I am happy to report the Windy City Black LGBT Pride (not affiliated with the IFBP) should be applauded for pulling off a successful pride weekend. The Windy City Black LGBT Pride (not affiliated with the IFBP) accomplished key goals such as, obtaining a 501 C3, forming alliances with key groups in the gay community, starting a scholarship fund, and attracting sponsorship funds from big name corporate sponsors. To those out there wanting to break away from the main Black Pride Group and do something different, I say go right ahead, it’s possible. I’m not going to say it will be easy but if your heart is in the right place the rest will follow. (And for the record although worked one group and not the other we still posted events from the competing Chicago Black Pride org.)

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