Back To Basics
It was all so simple thenby j. brotherlove
My chart hasn’t updated yet. But it’s safe to say that the album I’ve listened to the most this past week is Christina Aguilera’s Back To Basics. A previous version of me would give you an indepth review complete with relevant links and references. The current version of me has more pressing issues (blame nOva’s whiny butt). In a nutshell, my review is: While I don’t love Christina’s album (it’s a bit too ambitious) I do really like it. Grammy material right there.
I’ve been thinking of going back to basics myself with this blogging thing. By basics, I mean pre-RSS, pre-comments and pre-Google. Blogging was more fun and rewarding for me during that time. The blogging game has changed in the past couple of years and I’m not that happy with the general landscape. As more folk search for ways to monetize their blog content and drive traffic, personality has dropped to an all time low. I can’t tell one pop culture site from another. That may work for many; but not for thebrotherlove.
Further evidence of the shift; the nominations for Black Weblog Awards. Similar to blackademic’s disappointment, I feel the finalists are a bit anticlimatic. I’m not upset that blogs I nominated didn’t make the cut. But I am disappointed in the overall choices for some of the categories. Let’s click around a bit more in 2007 (*cough* Try Negrophile. *cough*).
To drive home my point, Keith recently posted a list titled A Few Blogs For Black LGBT/SGL Folk. The list is good but it highlights how small our (collective) blog circles are. His list excludes so many great sites written by black GLBT folk that it signals a need for a more inclusive directory in the near future (if not by me, someone else).
Okay, enough bitching and moaning for now. Have a Happy Monday and tell someone you love them today. I know I will.