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August Pop Quiz

When in doubt; do a meme

by j. brotherlove

via Bernie and Karsh

1. So, how have you spent your summer vacation?
Is summer over already? Damn, that was quick. Let’s see, was “downsized” in March and since that time have been converting my mind, body and soul from “corporate cog” to “independent creative”. It’s been a slow process but I’m beginning to see some blossoms.

2. What three things do you most want to accomplish before the end of the year?
Decide on a name for my new business, snag a paid (or highly visible) writing gig, get a webdesign/developer job at a company large enough to provide decent benefits.

3. This is the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. A year from now, how far along do you think the Gulf Coast will be towards recovery?
The Katrina tragedy touched me in a deeply personal space. It confirmed some ideas I already had and enlightened me to others. Obviously, there is a lot of work to be done in the Gulf Coast. A year from now, we will learn who the major “players” are in the reconstruction.

4. In the movie of your life, who gets cast to play you (and you can’t play yourself)?
Richard T Jones.

5. Is your overall health and fitness better or worse than it was a year ago?
My health overall health and fitness sucks. I’m trying to motivate myself to change that but bad habits are hard to break.

6. Are your personal finances better or worse than they were a year ago?
Worse, I suppose since I’m unemployed. But I’m living better so it doesn’t feel so bad.

7. How’s your love life?
Consistent. I fall in and out of love all the time. I’d need a series of posts to break it all down.

8. Seen any good movies lately? Seen any bad ones? Are you looking forward to any upcoming ones in particular?
I love movies. Even when there’s nothing in release worth the money, there is a plethora of films on DVD. Recent favorites are Another Gay Movie and Shadowboxer.

9. Will the Republicans lose control of Congress this November or will the Democrats find a way to fumble a clear opportunity?
If I could answer this, I’d be rich. I can only hope more balance can be restored to Congress. It’s a conservative hot mess in its current state.

10. Schools across the country will open up in the next few days and weeks. What was your favorite grade and what teacher had the most positive impact on you?
I pretty much loved all of my grade school years; high school was a bit rough; and college sort of sucked. One of my favorite teachers was Mr. Hartstein in my freshman year. He was an American Lit teacher and was so good, I was convinced I wanted to become a teacher. That is, until the teachers went on strike and I learned they didn’t get paid squat.

pub: 08/27/2006 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 1 | subscribe

When in doubt, do a meme.