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Atlanta’s On Phyre In February

A week of LGBT events

by j. brotherlove

Phyre banner

In addition to traditional recognition of Black History Month, Atlanta will host Phyre, Sunday Feb 18th — Saturday Feb 24th. Phyre is a week of events aimed at making sure “the truths about LGBT African Americans are known, understood and celebrated”.

A coalition of Atlanta-based community partners are hosting the impressive range of events including a PHYRE symposium, Candle Light Vigil, Silent Art Auction, National Blogging Online campaign, Question Homophobia Panel and an event Honoring the Sistahs.

The plan is to make Phyre annual and convince others to dedicate one week during Black History Month to honor the contributions of Black Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people.

Hopefully, the events will manage to preach to more than the choir. If I had a dollar for all of the bewildered expressions I saw while walking with ITLA during this year’s MLK Parade I could afford to buy a tricked out PS3 (“Huh, their Black and… gay?)

All events are free to the public (brotherlove likes free) and are held at EM Designs Group Studio in downtown Atlanta. Read the event details to get times and other specifics.

pub: 02/06/2007 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 4 | subscribe
1. Anitra

Hmm…in the past three days, I’ve had two conversations about the necessity of event programming for black GLBTQ123Z.AI-Q9 *snort* people. Wish I could check this Phyre thing out.

As an aside, even if you did get a dollar for everytime you got the strange “Black AND gay? Le Scandal!” look, don’t buy a PS3. Buy a Wii or an Xbox 360 instead.

Excuse my random gaming advice. LOL

Don’t you need a vacation, Anitra? We’d love to have you.

Karsh let me check out his Wii the other day; I see why people are addicted to it.

I’m still more of a PS guy (my Xbox mostly cathes dust).

3. Anitra

Yes, I actually really use a vacation, and a vacation to somewhere warmer is sounding so good right about now. :)

I’m more of a PS2 girl myself. The PS3, however, is overpriced and for what? (For $600, that PS3 needs to make me a sandwich and go get the mail.) For next-gen consoles, I think you get more bang for your buck with the 360 or the Wii.

Hmm… Maybe I should plan a road trip to ATL. I haven’t been since last summer.