Anything For Money
The decline of self-respect continuesby j. brotherlove
So there are worst things than Full Throttle, bad sex and reality shows. Well, that’s a relief.
Okay, not really.
I’m pleased with how Emmis Communications ultimately dealt with the Hot 97 Tsunami parody debacle. But it seems as if the entire station could use an enema.
In another shining example of the quality entertainment offered by Not Hot 97, we have Smackfest, featuring two, dumb batches slapping the mess out of each other for $500 (I’m convinced they would do it for less). I know life can be a struggle and it’s not easy making ends meet. But does that mean we will do anything for money?
Black radio. You gotta love it.

I’ve not been happy with radio on many years. We need a good pirate radio station to shake things up….
I seriously agree, Mike.
I had a lengthy discussion with a radio program manager once about their anemic content and lack of social responsibility; we talked circles around each other.
I completely understand the need and drive to attract listeners to gain advertisers to make money. I understand and support the fact that radio is entertainment and people like to laugh and have fun. I don’t want everything to sound like NPR.
But why do our stations have to pander to the lowest denominator with such regularity? From lyrical content of the music, to on-air personalities, to demeaning contests like the example in this post, where is the accountability?
I cannot even express how disgusted I am by that “song” (I don’t even think it deserves to be called one) but what was even worse was the way that has-been Miss Jones argued about it all on on-air. Maybe I live a little sheltered Canadian life lol but that was among the most ignorant crap I’ve ever heard on public airwaves. And people wonder why I don’t listen to radio *sigh*
As for those 2 chicks slapping eachother for $500…ghetto. I really can’t fathom how that girl was so proud of herself, boasting about winning with a big old swollen lip…real attractive ladies.
yeah - unfortunately saw the SMACKFEST…as I mention on my blog, it is so sad to see what this world is coming to. I too believe that they would have done it for much less…
That is the craziest thing I have ever seen. When did we lose our self respect? How could the station not see how wrong this was and how did these women not see it?
It makes me very sad.