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A House Warmed Over

No habla español

by j. brotherlove

Loverboy’s housewarming went off without a hitch (save some last-minute party running by yours truly). The guests were all genuine and well-behaved, with the possible exception of two: a recent Atlanta transport who came off as rude instead of "shy" (a hazard for the socially-challenged) and an abrasive Gemini (enough said there).

BuddhaThe most challenging aspect of the evening was parking as Loverboy’s next door neighbors, active Buddhists, happened to be in the midst of their own housewarming, a three-day celebration.

As a developing Buddhist, you would expect me to be delighted. But these are some loud ass Buddhists! There are always a ton of people at the house, mostly children, who run reckless through the street and across neighbors’ lawns sans supervision.

The adults sit outside talking, playing music and smoking, sometimes until 3:00am. There are also several in their twenties who bump rap music in their cars as they come and go, just like in the hood.

Despite these challenges, they provided my favorite moment of the evening. As one of Loverboy’s guests arrived (a fabulous femme), she decided to flex her developing bilingual skills on the kids running around. The children smiled and, before skipping away replied:

"Um, okay. But we’re not Mexican."

pub: 06/18/2006 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe