27 Things I Want Right Now
I said, right now!by j. brotherlove
Blame Jeneane for getting me started.
- a job
- 1/1/07
- passion
- to be understood
- to attend SXSW
- cordless skype phone
- organization
- to get my groove back
- friends
- a wardrobe makeover
- health
- my LPs on CD instantly
- to write for money
- a Treo
- my brother to call me back
- an Atlanta blogmeet
- to volunteer
- homophobia to end
- clients who pay on time
- spiritual enlightenment
- to win the lottery
- physical fitness
- the troops back home
- a do-over
- to find a good business partner
- egg nog
- to finish redesigning thebrotherlove.com

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