10: Top Referrers This Week
Some returned link loveby j. brotherlove
Remember when you could look at your referrer links and discover new reads and all sorts of juicy things? The proliferation of RSS feeds has reduced that joy for me, somewhat. Nevertheless, Baratunde sparked me to give my referral list a look. I’m proud to report WhySpace doesn’t show up in the list at all (despite Jeneane’s current obsession with it).
Here are my top 10 referrers for the past week, excluding sites like Google, Yahoo! and other botcrap:
- Bloglines. Remember the "proliferation of RSS feeds" I just mentioned? That’s why Bloglines is so high. I’m thinking of adding content to my site that cannot be accessed via an RSS feed. I figure I should give people who actually visit my site an added treat. What say you?
- Top 10 Gay Blogs. Ramon Johnson ranks thebrotherlove.com at #4. Must build him a cake or something.
- John. John is cool people. I love his wit and blogging style. Perhaps one day we’ll meet.
- Anitra. Babygirl is one of the first black bloggers I found on the web.
- Bejata. Bernie always has something weighty on his mind. I’m trying to get him to take a vacation.
- Movable Type. I’m mildly surprised that people still visit through the recently updated list at MT.
- Radio.Blog.Club. This is the most surprising referrer for me. They search the hell out of my site.
- From del.icio.us to ma.gnolia. Jeff Croft is a web designer I admire (ma.gnolia, notsomuch).
- Bakari. Bakari is a fairly new read of mine; insightful and versatile.
- Sean. Sean makes trippy music. In Cananda. Come back to the five and dime, Sean!

Yeah, I keep stopping by to see if you’ve found a job yet. LOL
If I knew there was going to be some cake involved… LOL
Bernie, I haven’t started searching for a new job, to be honest. I’m taking my time, this go round.
I can also work my Fiorucci’s in about 1400 ways - but that’s for another day…
Sean, I’m sure you’re dressed to kill. Pics, please